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Re: WARNING!! avoid the movie bowfinger like the plague!
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999, at 13:53:44
In Reply To: Re: WARNING!! avoid the movie bowfinger like the plague! posted by Darien on Wednesday, August 18, 1999, at 12:08:34:

> ... That weirds me out a bit. I have never submitted a review of either "Titanic" or "The Mummy" - I've never even seen either of them. The one review I can think of that fits that category that I wrote was "The Fugitive." Hmm.

I've submitted a "Titanic" review (which was turned down, and rightfully so) and a "Speed 2: Cruise Control" review which started with my confession that I haven't actually seen the movie then made mostly-accurate predictions about the movie.

Then there was the "Speed 2" review I almost sent in where I was pretending it was a sequel to "Titanic": "Titanic 2: Cruise Control".

-Faux "Reviewer of Cinemax After Dark movies" Pas

Link: My real review of 'Speed 2'

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