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Re: WARNING!! avoid the movie bowfinger like the plague!
Posted By: Darien, on host
Date: Wednesday, August 18, 1999, at 12:08:34
In Reply To: Re: WARNING!! avoid the movie bowfinger like the plague! posted by Sam on Wednesday, August 18, 1999, at 09:00:39:

> There has been the occasional ok review of an actually good movie we've gotten and had to dump (and others, for more borderline cases, that we've posted anyway), but the only exception I can think of off the top of my head is the forum's own Darien, who has submitted insightful, literate bad movie reviews for "Titanic" and perhaps "The Mummy" (was that it, Darien?), that we've had to reject in spite of how well written they were. (We've posted a bunch more of his, so I don't feel too bad. :-)

... That weirds me out a bit. I have never submitted a review of either "Titanic" or "The Mummy" - I've never even seen either of them. The one review I can think of that fits that category that I wrote was "The Fugitive." Hmm.

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