Re: The Deepest Water Ever...
Grishny, on host
Friday, May 17, 2002, at 12:06:24
Re: The Deepest Water Ever... posted by Sam on Friday, May 17, 2002, at 11:28:53:
> That's a perfectly logical position to take from the worldly side of things, but from a Christian point of view, it does not make much sense. How much knowledge, exposure, and maturity does one have to be for the Holy Spirit to be able to move in one's heart? Basically, one needs none of these things. > > God is the author of our faith. If the Holy Spirit calls to a child, and that child listens and accepts, then that is not too young, and who is anyone to object and say that one is not old enough or smart enough or ready enough to accept He who calls the child to Him?
Also keep in mind that it is a *dangerous* position to take, saying that a child cannot be saved. In three out of the four gospels, Christ is recorded as saying that it would be better for someone to have a millstone (a very heavy stone used for grinding) hanged around their neck and drowned in the sea than for them to cause a little child to stumble in his faith.
Gri"user of"shny