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Just another ho-hum post from me.
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Friday, August 6, 1999, at 08:48:40

Ok, I am at work, and I am very bored, and no one is writing anything on the forum (or at least while I am writing this no one is), so I thought I'd take this opportunity to let everyone know what's going on in my life. I realize this isn't especially interesting, but since some of you might be going through, or have gone through, or will go through the same stuff, I thought I'd write about it.

I'm just about to rap up a summer internship with an insurance company. (Just for the record, I don't know anything about insurance, I just work in the information systems department as a programmer). I am now trying to figure out where I am going to work when I go back to school. I am hoping that the place I work might actually let me co-op during the school year, and that way I wouldn't have to get another (probably my 10th) job. I hate looking for one.

Also, I am trying to get my course schedule the way I want it. Right now, it's all screwed up, and it's not good for any type of work. This is a big pain in the butt because I live at home and commute to a school that is about a half-hour away, so I have to be careful in my planning. Plus, people who work in the offices at the school I go to aren't the most helpful people in the world. In fact, they are all out rude sometimes.

Anyway, on top of this, I am trying to pick some goals to accomplish. It's kind of a weird thing to say, I know, but there is so much I want to do that I have a hard time narrowing it down. I mean, I know (after switching majors 3 times) what I want to do when I graduate. I am definitely going into programming. It's too much fun! But, I'm also hoping to go into my own business. My friend and I have plans to start an Internet Service provider really soon (maybe in the next month). I am really excited about it, but on top of school and the job(s) I will have, I am going to be really busy. On top of that I have recently taken to rollerblading. I love the sport, and hope to get really good. I'd really like to compete, but since I am so old (for the sport) I don't know if that will happen. Plus I also want to learn to play the guitar (for my dad, he wants to hear me play a Beatles song on it, they are our favorite group).

Well, there's really no point to this post, as I said. Just letting you know what's going on in my life. If anyone wants to respond to this or to ask any questions....about anything please do. Of course, I don't need to ask really, because you can do it even if I don't want you to. (Which I do.)


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