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Re: Just another ho-hum post from me.
Posted By: Chris, on host
Date: Tuesday, August 10, 1999, at 20:47:20
In Reply To: Re: Just another ho-hum post from me. posted by Darien on Tuesday, August 10, 1999, at 19:16:41:

> > Whenever I hear the word "roadie", I think of that old game for the Atari 2600 called "Journey Escape", which was basically your player icon (representing the band Journey) dodging various obstacles (such as paparazzi) that scrolled down the screen. When you picked up a "roadie" or a "mighty manager", you'd be invulnerable for a short time.
> >
> > The Atari 2600 was one awesome machine.....even the games that sucked were cool. :-)
> >
> > Issacongobongo
> Same with the C64. I still have one of those, in working order - and I *have* Congo Bongo! :-}
> Dar "Save N.Y." ien

Hey, what was that Atari game with the bankrobber called? The one where you're shattering bombs with your three little bars that are thrown at increasing speeds and number by a bankrobber or criminal or something? I'd spend hours twisting that little paddle. Of course, the system eventually needed a replacement part no longer made. Now all I [my brother] have is our original NES-- boy, are we up with all this new-- what's it called? oh, yeah-- technology.

BTW, way to throw in random comments, Iss! That's what makes it so fun in here!

--Ch"modulator, demodulator"ris

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