Memory SNAFU
Grishny, on host
Thursday, December 20, 2001, at 05:31:49
So I got my new memory from FedEx yesterday. I was going to wait until tonight to put it in, since we had church last night, but we got home earlier than I thought we would, so I decided to go ahead and install the new DIMM. Before I did, though, I checked my email, which I hadn't done since Sunday afternoon. 44 emails, most of them junk. I wonder if CoreComm would let me change my email address?
Everything went smoothly. I had already put in a new 512MB DIMM last week, so this time I had to take out the 128MB chip that came with the PC in order to open up a slot for the new module. Just like last time, I had to remove the fan duct and disconnect the wiring (four plugs) from the backs of my hard and floppy drives. I also had to physically remove my video card, because one of the little levers on the DIMM slot that pops the module out was butted right up against it. No biggie. I put the vid card in myself; I certainly have no problem taking it out and then putting it back in. There was also a cable from one of the optical drives (or possibly from the power supply; I'm not sure) that plugged into the motherboard I had to unplug to get at the DIMM slot. Also no problem.
So I got the new memory in, put everything back the way it was, and turned on my computer. Checked to see if Windows was recognizing the new memory, and it was, (I now have 1024 MB RAM, w00t!) and everything seemed to be running normally. I ran PhotoShop and scanned something; no problems. I ran PageMaker to print a letter; it printed fine, no problems. I go to get back on-line to brag about my new memory.
Doing. Error. "The port was disconnected due to hardware failure!" Huh? What? Try it again. Doing. Error. "The port was disconnected due to hardware failure!"
So I call tech support, who has me use Device Manager to remove the modem from my system and then restart to reinstall the drivers. Try it again. Doing. Error. "The port was disconnected due to hardware failure!" GAH! Since I'm using a local ISP with their own connection software, he tells me to call their tech support number. I do. He wants me to do the same thing. His best advice is to just keep removing the modem and reinstalling the drivers and maybe if I do that enough times it'll work. Yeah, right. I've already done that twice; it's not going to fix the problem.
I didn't even have to touch the modem when I was tinkering around inside the computer. I opened it back up again just to have a look see, and as far as I can tell, there aren't any disconnected wires or plugs or anything. I did notice that my modem and sound card appear to be one and the same, combined. (This is an HP system.) But my sound is working normally, as far as I can tell. But maybe I should test it, just to make sure.
Windows is playing all its .wav files normally. I started up RealJukebox, which is the software I use to play mp3 files. It tells me there's an upgrade available. Remind me later. Play this mp3. Doing. Unknown error. Sorry, no mp3s for you! GAH!
Does ANYTHING work on this computer anymore? Good grief, adding memory is supposed to IMPROVE performance, not diminish it! I have some DVDs from the library, so I put one in and start up the DVD player. Hit play. Doing. Error. "Unable to create overlay (something something). Lower your color depth or screen resolution and try again." WHAT? I never saw THAT error message before! GAH! But I tried it. I lowered my color depth AND screen resolution and tried again, but got the same error message! Yippee skippee, I can't watch DVDs anymore, even though I just watched a whole movie on it yesterday, before I put in this new memory!
"Hrm..." wonders John. "Can I still play games?" John puts in his Descent3 CD and clicks on the icon to start a game. Doing. Error. "Not enough memory to run this program. Please shut down some programs and try again." GAH! I'm not even runnning anything else! I have 1024 MB of RAM for crying out loud!
Well, it was after midnight by then, and I had to retire. I anticipate a lovely, lengthy evening of wrestling with my PC tonight after work. I wonder if taking out the newly-installed memory and putting the 128 MB DIMM back in will fix everything. It would be depressingly ironic if it did.
Gri"doesn't want to take it in to the computer store if he can help it"shny