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Re: Driven to insanity
Posted By: Gahalia, on host
Date: Sunday, December 9, 2001, at 14:58:35
In Reply To: Driven to insanity posted by codeman38 on Sunday, December 9, 2001, at 13:57:25:

> 1. How do you stay in the center of the lane? This frustrates me to no end.

My dad told me that the line on the front of the car (the place where the hood of the car stops) is basically right above the tire. I'm not sure if this applies to all vehicles. If it applies to yours, it will help you "see" where your tires are on the road.

> 2. My sense of direction is absolutely horrible. I've gotten lost within one- or two- story buildings a couple of times, it's that bad.

I'm pretty "directionally challenged" myself, so can't really help you here. Well, maybe I can... You will end up getting lost; don't panic - it's not as bad as it may seem. (My big problem is that I start to panic, and it makes things a lot worse.) Keep a map in the car, and review directions if possible before you go somewhere new.

I know there's more to say... just can't remember exactly. I don't drive when I'm at college, and since I only drove a little over break it's been even longer since I've gotten lost.

> 3. My dad is horrible when it comes to yelling and/or swearing at me while I practice driving. Any way to calm him down to a reasonable degree? (Or should I just find someone else to tutor me? heh...)

Find someone else, if you can. I know from experience that a parent who isn't being calm can be a horrible stress. Even now I don't really like to drive with my parents in the car, just because it makes me more tense. I don't blame my parents, though - parents in general just tend to be more emotionally envolved and more concerned about their child's safety.

> -- codeman"at least I'm getting better at seeing stop lights"38


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