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Re: Driver's Training Fright
Posted By: Grishny, on host
Date: Thursday, October 4, 2001, at 13:10:39
In Reply To: Re: Driver's Training Fright posted by Don the Monkeyman on Thursday, October 4, 2001, at 12:56:52:

> Sorry, but that still isn't a reason to speed. If
there is more than one lane, and the guy
behind you wants to speed, he will pass you. If
there is only one lane, and the guy behind you
wants to speed, TOO BAD. If he tailgates you,
the worst he can do in an accident is rear-end
you, in which case he is at fault.

I hate being stuck behind big trucks, and I
dislike it when people don't signal before
making turns, but I doubt there's any bad
driving behavior that I despise more than

Anyone who tailgates me is NOT going to get
me to speed up. I almost always use cruise
control when driving on the freeway, and
generally keep it set at 5 miles over the stated
speed limit, which is about the average speed
on the road. If I'm in the leftmost lane, it's
because I'm passing a slower vehicle. I'm not
about to adjust my settings for someone
behind me who doesn't have enough patience
to wait for me to move back over.

If I'm in a good mood, I'll just ignore a tailgater.
If I'm in a bad mood, I'll give him dirty looks
through my rearview mirror that he probably
can't see. If I'm in a really foul mood, I might
even *slow* down. I hate tailgating.

Gri"anyone read the Road Rage article in
September's Reader's Digest?"shny

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