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RE: Thin's, Stuff an' Fiddlesticks
Posted By: Greshny-Bob, on host
Date: Sunday, August 5, 2001, at 20:42:40
In Reply To: Re: Things, Stuff and Nonsense. posted by Wolfspirit on Sunday, August 5, 2001, at 20:22:16:

> Honest, I never knew. I suppose I ought to
> salve my unforgivable ignorance with speedy
> amends, and will endeavor to obtain the
> appropriate stationary. I must prevail upon the
> local part'wright to procure some delicately
> vanilla-scented parchment; and request that the
> following be carefully etched therein, using
> only the finest of strawberry-scented inks.
> Indeed: it shall be a picture of a small red
> candle made out of chocolate and shaped like a
> trendy orc holding up a fish with protractors
> all over it which also plays a banshee when you
> open it up. Surely, I cannot offer you a finer
> share of the black lump of coal that forms my
> innermost heart.

> I trust that, by her virtue and prudence in
> knowing you, and fully cognizant of your
> passionate letter collecting expertise, your
> lovely wife will therefore not be too offended
> -- in seeing such a love missive arrive thereby?

Ah doesn't knows whut yo' jest said, but doesn't be sendin' me enny luv laters. Mah wife'dn't like it. Ah finally got her used t'th' idea of bein' friends wif internet psychos, but eff'n one of them starts sendin' me mooshy poetry, fine, I'll be outta hyar quicker than a ho'ny toad, cuss it all t' tarnation.

Gre"ah only colleck luv laters fum HER"shny-Bob

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