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Re: Rinky ACTION Figures
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Friday, July 13, 2001, at 00:19:43
In Reply To: Rinky ACTION Figures posted by Wolfspirit on Thursday, July 12, 2001, at 10:34:47:

> Ever imagined getting a personalized action figure of... *yourself*? No? Well, think of the possibilities. How about an Action Figure of Brunnen-G on the Kobayashi Maru? How about a dollhouse, er I mean an "Action Figure Tableau" of Dave Parker, heroically posed alongside our genteel and compassionate Sam? How about... well you get the picture.

Wow. That link is SO cool. Action figures of Rinkies, what an idea! The terminally bored could collect the whole set of their friends, and make them talk and act out little scenes on those unfortunate days when you just can't get online. However, I can assure you that nobody in their right mind would want an action figure of me. Let alone an action figure of me the way I looked during the event you mention.

Brunnen-"ooh, it's an ugly weirdo in soaking wet overalls a size too small, covered in soot and swamp water! Quick, move the Barbies to the unpopular aisle!"G

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