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Re: Rinky ACTION Figures
Posted By: Wolfspirit, on host
Date: Saturday, July 14, 2001, at 21:02:27
In Reply To: Re: Rinky ACTION Figures posted by Sam on Friday, July 13, 2001, at 18:08:28:

> And Dave Action Figure says, "CHIX)R!"
> And Puck Action Figure says, "Right, you lot can sit right over there on the edge. Oh, gotta swing this around -- lean back a bit, right? More.... More...."
> And Brunnen-G Action Figure goes, "LOL."
> "So the Model Spirit of Breaker Model Bay sets sail in a wide, vast sea of rug nap."

LOL^2. That last line rules absolutely. At least when Sam Action Figure fell down the stairs and into the sea, he had a nice soft cushy landing. And if we did a very special order and requested models of Sam, Dave, Leen, Puck, and Brunnen-G done only in soft rubber latex, well, they wouldn't have to worry so much about rigidly smacking heads into each other. Ooo, latex is stretchy! Brunnen-G's arm and leg warmups in the morning would take on entirely new dimensions.

Wolf "Hey... how come Dave's role in this adventure took only one line... one word!? Hey, did Puck send him athwart the port-quarter gunwale cleat and then FORGET ALL about Dave? Should we launch RNZ Coastguard to go retrieve him?" spirit

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