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Re: Bad movie
Posted By: ria, on host
Date: Saturday, July 7, 2001, at 15:24:58
In Reply To: Bad movie posted by Matthias on Saturday, July 7, 2001, at 13:47:25:

Can you tell us why you disliked it so much?

Personally, I loved the movie. I love Disney movies in general, but this one was as well done as any. The ending was a bit childish, yes- but that can be expected from a movie aimed at children.

They hit their target audience, that's for sure. I enjoyed it a lot, but I'm one to ignore plot abnormalities in children's movies. To me, a child's movie is just that- something to enjoy, in which to be caught up in the moment- not something to overanalyze.

ri "I'd recommend it for those who like 'happy' movies" a

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