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Bushells, the coffee for obnoxious cretins
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Sunday, June 24, 2001, at 16:01:37

Every now and then I post one of these rants about the assorted awfulness of TV commercials. Most ads only strike me as being stupid, but there are some now that are just plain VILE. Heh heh.

The first one is for some kitchen cleaning product and falls into the "disgusting bratty disobedient rude children are SO CUTE" category of vileness in advertising. It shows two boys, about 11 or 12 years old, rushing loudly into the Nice Clean Kitchen after playing in the mud. They leave a trail of devastation and mud from the front door to the kitchen, where they make hot dogs by dropping food all over the floor, squirting ketchup so that half of it ends up on the kitchen bench and the freaking WALLS, and then rush loudly outside again. Instead of screaming at them to clean this up RIGHT NOW or there'll be no more television for a YEAR, their mother stands there the whole time looking at them with an air of "boys will be boys, you just gotta love 'em", and then smiles and happily sets to work cleaning up their mess with the Kitchen Cleaning Product. I've heard of permissive parenting but this is RIDICULOUS.

The best part is at the end, when HER HUSBAND comes into the kitchen, gets some food out of the fridge, and HE drops it all over the floor too. Cue the same "isn't he cute?" expression and the same cleanup from the mother. Aww, how sweet. This ad singlehandedly sets back women's rights about 250 years.

Even worse is the current series of ads for Bushells coffee. In the first one, our heroine is heading for a parking space; another car gets there first. The other driver suddenly notices there was someone else waiting, waves, and apologetically says "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." Our heroine then revs up her car and drives it into the back of the other car, smashing it to hell. As the other driver runs back in horror, our delightful young role model gives her a catty smirk and says sarcastically, "I'm sorry, I didn't see you there." Cue a shot of our heroine drinking coffee after this good day's work, and the slogan "Bushells: Deeply Satisfying."

The second in the series involves a girl working in a shop and having to serve a customer who tells her to hurry up. So, for revenge, she secretly puts a scarf in the customer's handbag, and the customer gets seized at the exit for shoplifting, and gets led away by the cops! Ha ha! That sure is funny! What a cool thing to do! Deeply satisfying!

If you've seen these ads and you think they're hilariously funny, I'm sorry, but that just makes me want even more to move to another planet.

Brunnen-"almost took up drinking coffee after seeing those ads, just so I could deliberately not buy Bushells brand"G

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