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Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty?
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 07:16:40
In Reply To: Re: Forum poll: is romance better than honesty? posted by Arthur on Tuesday, June 12, 2001, at 00:59:47:

> Compliments shouldn't be based on straight factual information on the person. (How many compliments could the purely objective robot dish out? "You're of above average intelligence for your age group." "Three out of five male panelists would rank you as 'highly attractive'.")

Heh, I was told once, by a guy I'm pretty sure had a crush on me, that I had "Nice Eyebrows." Ummmmmmm...... I have no response to that. I just sat there thinking, "What? That's the nicest thing you could think to say???? I have nice EYEBROWS???"

Ti'although, they *are* very shapely eyebrows, if I do say so myself'cia

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