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And what happened to...
Posted By: Sosiqui, on host
Date: Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 09:17:27
In Reply To: A dying art posted by Jezzika on Saturday, June 9, 2001, at 02:03:33:

Actually, I'm going to post again, because this post got me thinking about a lot of OTHER things. How many different kinds of art seem like they might be dying? There are several classes in uncommon art forms available at my school, but every semester, it seems, there are fewer and fewer classes offered because of a lack of interest. And for some reason that worries me.

I'm sort of a packrat by nature; I hate to let things go. And I guess I hate the idea of knowledge being let go as well. Maybe it seems stupid to be sad at the idea that noone at my school cares to learn the art of hand-weaving on the beautiful tall wooden looms. But I am. I don't want it to be lost - yeah, I know that stuff is alive and well in other areas of the world, but still. I want to grab onto this knowledge and never let it go. I know how to weave on my small hand-loom. I can (sort of) throw a (pathetic) pot on my little battery-powered potter's wheel thing. I don't have the courage to try glassblowing, but I love to stand outside the glassworks at school and watch the students there turn the molten lumps into beautiful glass things.

So many amazing things that I don't know how to do, that I want to know how to do, but that, due to disinterest, I may never be able to find out. It's not avant-garde, or modern, or cutting edge. These are ancient arts, and because of that, they are too often overlooked. And I hate that.

I hope that made sense.

Sosi"thirsty for knowledge, but afraid the oasis is getting drained"qui

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