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Re: death certificate
Posted By: Unipeg, on host
Date: Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 17:34:12
In Reply To: Re: death certificate posted by Howard on Tuesday, June 15, 1999, at 14:42:27:

> > > > Uni"Stonehedge is just a cage for an annoying small animal!"peg
> > >
> > > You're British!!!
> > > Howard
> >
> > But then Unipeg should know it as "Stonehenge"
> >
> > enile
> I took that for a typo.
> But the question remains; is Unipeg British?
> Come to think of it, it really does look like a hedge made of stone.
> A great many years ago, I knew a girl who said her family used to go there on picnics and most of the stones were lying down. Has it been resconstructed?
> Howard

I'm not sure whether to just leave you in suspense or to tell you.... no, I must say that I'm not British. I live in the good old US of A, in DC, actually (actually in dc, not in the suburbs). oops, that's right, it is Stonehenge. I think I was tired when I wrote that. The Stonehenge stuff came from the thing I said earlier about 'OM being Odyssey of the Mind, I was in the competition 2 years ago, and our entire skit was based on the premise that Stonehenge was built by a bunch of wizards as a cage for a small annoying animal. I've heard that they're starting a project to reconstruct, but I don't think it's happened yet.

Uni"Oo, me? Bri'ish?"peg

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