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Re: death certificate
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Sunday, June 20, 1999, at 08:45:27
In Reply To: Re: death certificate posted by Unipeg on Thursday, June 17, 1999, at 11:20:01:

> > > > A great many years ago, I knew a girl who said her family used to go there on picnics and most of the stones were lying down. Has it been resconstructed?
> > > > Howard
> > >
> > >...I've heard that they're starting a project to reconstruct, but I don't think it's happened yet.
> > >
> > > Uni"Oo, me? Bri'ish?"peg
> >
> > You're no longer able to sit on the stones for picnics, as you were in my distant youth - the whole lot have been fenced off for over 20 years and you're only allowed to admire at a distance. There will 'never' be any plans to 'reconstruct' Stonehenge (most of which is still standing), though there are proposals to divert nearby roads and improve on the current visitors' centre.
> >
> > And I preferred 'Stonehedge' too - sorry Unipeg if I was rude.
> >
> > en'druid'ile
> alright, i'm really really glad they aren't reconstructing... i thought that was absurdly stupid when i heard it. *phew* and don't worry, no offense taken
> Unipeg
I remember a picture in National Geographic that showed a road actually cutting across the edge of the site. I don't think they realized that it extended out that far when they built the road. Anyway, it's high on my list of places to visit when I get back to England.

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