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Scotland trip, almost over.
Posted By: Sentry, on host
Date: Friday, May 18, 2001, at 06:38:22

Next Wednesday, at an indecent hour in the morning, I'm going to board a plane to return to the USA. I've enjoyed my time in Scotland. Except for the last few days the weather has been warm and sunny, the people are freindly, the landscape is brilliant, and the fish'n'chips are tasty.

I never did get to Rosyln Chapel, or Glastonbury (which is in Wales, we had some free days while visiting London). I never figured out how to catch the busses. Combination of laziness and not wanting to go off on trips like that by myself (no one else in the group wanted to go). Oh well. I guess I'll just have to come back some time ;).

I'm going to miss somethings quite a lot. Kinder Eggs, Fanta soda, and Cadburry Chocolate for starters. Although it will be nice to be able to eat Sweetarts, Root Beer, and Pretzels again (I can't find any Sweetart kind of candy, any Root Beer, and no Pretzels. Whats up with that?)

All said I am glad to be going home, I'm exhausted. I've done so much here I really need at least a week to do nothing to recover.

I have read some good books over here. A silly book by a man named Mathew Thompson (I think) called 'Before and After' was hillarious. It is about exploding sheep and the end of the world.

Also, by Neil Gaiman, I have read 'Neverwere' which is a brilliant fantasy/horror (kinda) novel about a hidden city under London. If you have even been on the London Underground this book is great. Also 'Smoke and Mirrors' by Neil Gaiman, a collection of short stories. The last story is a vampric retelling of Snow White. Very, very creepy.

Prior to the trip I read 'Stardust' by Gaiman, a well done fantasy fairy tale.

Now you all know I'm a comic book afficianado. Neil Gaiman has writen a series, now finished, for DC comics called Sandman. Critically acclaimed and all that. Now I'm assuming you all think I started to read his normal prose because I have read his graphic novels. You would be wrong. I hadn't read any of the Sandman storis untill this trip. After finishing 'Smoke and Mirrors' I bought the first vollum of the collected Sandman (there are, I belive, 10 in all). So far I have read the first 2 vollums. I haven't been able to find vollum 3 yet, but I bough 4 today. These are fantastic stories.

In the Site Journal about 'The Adventures of Smart Man' Sam said "I am not particularly a comic book fan, although what I know of Neil Gaiman and others suggests to me that I'd like some of the artier work if I permitted myself the time to get into it."

He would, he really really would.

Sen'You take the high road and I'll take the low road and I'll be in Scotland before ye...'try

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