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Re: Go on...ask me anything......
Posted By: Zarniwoop, on host
Date: Monday, May 21, 2001, at 08:47:27
In Reply To: Re: Go on...ask me anything...... posted by Kiki on Sunday, May 20, 2001, at 20:56:00:

> >or Prime Minister's Question Time.
> >
> They played the last one on NPR while I was on my way to school. It was highly amusing. We even heard Tony Blair's famous put-down - "I'm not saying the gentleman is a racist, I'm saying he is an opportunist." ruling!

Strange, I'm one of the most dedicated viewers of the Parlimentary Channel and I never heard that. However, I did hear this one:

'and may I suggest six words that sums up the rt. hon. gentleman's [William Hague's] foreign policy: 'Mrs Thatcher, you lead, I'll follow'.

and this one:

'and I think very much that, in the coming election, that the electorate will say to the rt. hon. gentleman [Hague again]: 'You are the weakest link, goodbye'.

Blair will win on June 7. Period.

Zarn"Elect the Monster Raving Loony Party"iwoop

PS: Liz, where are you?

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