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I see
Posted By: koalamom, on host
Date: Friday, May 11, 2001, at 21:46:39

After wearing glasses for 15 years, I switched this week to soft contact lenses. Yahoo! I like them very well. I wore hard contacts for ten years (before the glasses) but these are way more comfortable.

There seems to be one problem, though. The Lint Factor. Soft contacts are lint magnets. Did you know that?--well, I didn't. I have had to get up an extra half hour earlier* just to be sure I have enough time to de-lint, because apparently I live in a very linty environment. I didn't realize this before and am beginning to wonder what my lungs must look like. I think the cats and the quilting hobby have something to do with it. I am going to have to find a third job soon, to pay for the gallon size cleaning solution and the lint-free-toweling I'm going through. Any of you fellow contact-wearers out there have any tips/suggestions on de-linting lenses you could share?

On a side note, the different reactions I've gotten from co-workers & friends has been interesting. One said I looked younger without the glasses, one said I looked older. About 15 said "ewwww, I could never stick something in my eye!" (they all wore glasses). Two assumed I had the laser surgery (ewwww, I could never stick lasers in my eyes!)

koala"here's looking at you"mom

*which means I will lose 182.5 hours of sleep over the course of a year unless I get a lot faster at this.

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