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Re: I see
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Saturday, May 12, 2001, at 15:28:10
In Reply To: I see posted by koalamom on Friday, May 11, 2001, at 21:46:39:

>Any of you fellow contact-wearers out there have any tips/suggestions on de-linting lenses you could share?

The biggest problem can most likely be solved by switching the towel that you dry your hands on before touching your contacts. The older the towel, the less fuzzies it has left on it because a lot of them have already disappeared into the washing machine. In addition, the softer and fluffier the towel, the more fuzzies it has on it.

I also do this thing where I switch fingers when I'm rinsing my contacts in the morning. I hold the contact between two fingers, pour some saline over it, then switch fingers and repeat the process. That way, if I picked up a fuzzy on one finger, I won't then put the fuzzy back onto the contact when I rinse it some more.

> *which means I will lose 182.5 hours of sleep over the course of a year unless I get a lot faster at this.

LOL! See, THAT is an occasion when math comes in handy. It's always a good thing to know how much sleep you're losing in a year.

Ell"Proud wearer of soft contact lenses for almost 10 years--Wait, it's been THAT long???"myruh