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Re: An Odd Question That Popped Into My Head
Posted By: 10Kan, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 09:38:59
In Reply To: Re: An Odd Question That Popped Into My Head posted by Mike, the penny-stamp man on Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 09:15:57:

A few were dissapointed that we didn't speak with outrageous accents.
> Penny*grew up on cold cereal instead of grits, but doesn't even mind boiled okra (just not for breakfast)*stamp
> > How"I eat grits."ard

I intentionally affect an accent when traveling to northern or western parts of the country just to see whether people are surprised or not. I also complain about the lack of "su'weet ahs tea" anywhere above the Mason-Dixon line, 'cept I'm serious about that.

Personally, I think it's interesting to see what outlandish conceptions people have of other regions. Sometimes these places become a kind of fantasy world for them, instead of something to tack ugly stereotypes to.

10"They love it when ah say y'all"Kan

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