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Re: An Odd Question That Popped Into My Head
Posted By: Mike, the penny-stamp man, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 09:15:57
In Reply To: Re: An Odd Question That Popped Into My Head posted by Howard on Wednesday, May 9, 2001, at 05:12:59:

> I've never been offended by the British. I guess I've watched so much PBS TV I've learned how they think. And maybe it's my English ancestory. Or maybe it's my southern upbringing. Unless you live in the South, you wouldn't believe how much misinformation is out there. For example ...

A few years back, my home church's youth minister coordinated a mission trip to Maryland. The guy on the other end, as they made plans over the phone, was amazed to find that we Mississippians drive cars, as opposed to using horse-drawn carriages. True story!

Nothing against Maryland, of course. I was there last summer, and not one person expressed such hilarious misconceptions. A few were dissapointed that we didn't speak with outrageous accents.

Penny*grew up on cold cereal instead of grits, but doesn't even mind boiled okra (just not for breakfast)*stamp

> How"I eat grits."ard

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