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Long Time No See...or something...
Posted By: Den-Kara, on host
Date: Saturday, May 5, 2001, at 20:07:30

Wow. I haven't been here in a long time. Today I took the SAT I test, and it was, surprisingly, not as tough as I thought it would be. The PSAT was much more difficult. The analogies, which I was most worried about, ended up being the simplest portions of the entire test. The math parts, as always happens when I take similar tests, were not as easy. I didn't omit very many questions, and the questions I guessed on were generally ones I'd narrowed down to two choices. Hmm...I woke up this morning with a hideously deep voice, a headache, lungs that felt like someone was squeezing them, and bloodshot eyes from not sleeping at all last night. However, cold symptoms aside, I think I did quite well. :)'s a question for all you scientific/doctorish people: Why is my voice usually really deep when I have a cold? I don't have a sore throat, if that helps any. I have no idea, and it's a nice question, so I thought I'd ask.

~Den-"didn't slip off the face of the planet"Kara

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