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Maybe, just maybe,it's Hoffa
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Wednesday, May 2, 2001, at 18:58:41

One of my relatives in another state is remodeling an old house. It was built in the 1940's and was in a sad state. He likes to do remodeling and I think the negelect is the reason he bought it. Anyway, he was happily knocking out walls and replacing doors and windows, when he discovered a dagger wrapped in cloth and hidden inside the kitchen wall. I am not making this up. He actually didn't think much about the dagger, until sometime later when he decided to break up the patio and replace it with a bigger, better one in a different part of the back yard. Underneath the old patio, he found bones. They looked like very old human bones, he said. (My guess is that they were not.) So he just covered them up, threw away the dagger and continued remodeling the house and yard.
Now you have to remember that there are antique dealers in the family, including me, so we gave him a hard time about throwing away the dagger. But the bones? No big deal. They were probably just Jimmy Hoffa.

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