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A Simple Story
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 21, 2001, at 12:04:25

The scene: The parkade (parking garage) I park in each day.

The time: Yesterday afternoon, around 5:30.

The situation: Going home for the day.

As is normal during rush hour, the ramp leading down to the parkade exit was backed up quite a ways. Entering at the level six entrance got me right into the middle of a long line of cars.

At the level five entrance, a line of cars was waiting to get onto the ramp. As always, I let the first car join the queue when I arrived, then pulled in behind that car. While I was waiting for that first car to pull onto the ramp, I noticed that the next car in that joining line contained two rather attractive young women. As I noticed, I saw that one of the women was looking at me. Of course, with me being single and desparate, I was intrigued. (The cashier at the grocery store intrigues me, for Pete's sake. I really AM pathetic, aren't I?)

Well, I decided not to let the Girl Car into the line in front of me, because I feel that I should not set a double standard simply because there are cute women involved. However, the car behind me let the Girl Car in, so these two young ladies were now directly behind me.

Since there isn't much to do while waiting on the exit ramp, I watched the ladies converse, in my rear-view mirror. They became more attractive as I watched, for various reasons which are irrelevant to this story. As we made our slow progress down the ramp, I lamented the fact that I had no way of communicating with these two lovely creatures, and that I would soon be out of the parkade and they would be out of my life.

Suddenly, as I passed the second floor ramp entrance, an idea struck me. I only had a minute or two to carry out my plan, so I worked quickly. I grabbed two business cards and a pen from my satchel, and wrote "Don" and my home phone number on the back of each of them. I completed this with plenty of time to spare, and when I reached the bottom of the ramp, I noticed that the Girl Car was following me into the daily parking line rather than heading for the monthly pass exit.

When my turn came to pay for parking, I rolled down my window, and greeted the attendant. He smiled at me-- he saw me every day, and I always have a kind word for him, so I figure he remembers my face (or my hideously dirty car.) When I hand him my Visa and parking stub, I add a little extra surprise: The two business cards. When he glances at me in surprise, I ask him to give the cards to the ladies. He looks a bit surprised at first, and then a little half-smile crosses his face. He nods, finishes his work on the computer, and hands me my receipt and Visa. When he says "Have a good evening", I think I notice a twinkle in his eye which is not normally present. As I drive away, I wonder if either girl will call, and if so, when.

And now, the question goes out: When did this story change from one of Don's "I am single, lonely, and desperate" posts into one of Howard's "Have I ever lied to you" posts?

Don ";-)" Monkey

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