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Common Spam?
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Sunday, May 23, 1999, at 19:20:38

Hi all, I just wanted to check and see if anyone has recently been getting the same type of spam I've been getting. At the address I've usually been submitting to this forum, within the last two or three weeks, I've been deluged with two types of spam.

The first one has a number in parenthesis as the subject and is always from jimmyscot[random number]@[random domain, sometimes it's, the National Library of Australia]. The reply to field is usually Various get rich quick schemes and adult services are offered in these.

The next one uses the word "hi" (without quotes), always in lowercase. These mails are usually from an .fr or .ru domain, and seem to want to sell me a list of e-mail addresses to spam.

The reason I'm asking this here is I'm trying to figure out how I was placed on this spam mailing list. I'm not sure if a harvester came through here or came through my personal web site.

I usually post with on all other places except those two. Mainly I've been using one of my other web-based e-mail accounts here, as I check them more othen than I do falseaddress. Sometimes, someone e-mails me directly -- I probably check the other hotmail or the yahoo address daily or every other day; I check maybe once every three, four weeks.

Anyway, I'll most likely be posting using the falseaddress address from now on.

Spam sucks.

-Faux "americanflagg at" Pas

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