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Something that really ticks me off....
Posted By: GreenJeanz, on host
Date: Sunday, May 16, 1999, at 12:58:31

Please read this and see if you do not agree with me being ticked off. The thing I'm ticked off about is a good example of just how much these game companies care about their customers.
Buggy downloads
An editorial by GreenJeanz

When the PFmagic petz downloadz were first coming out they
were bug-free and worked splendidly. Then, some months later,
some new ones were released. They were carrot seeds and a tie-dye outfit.
The carrot seeds did wierd things, and the tie-dye outfit did nothing to me,
but for other people it crashed their computers and screwed up their petz programs,
or worse. When the news was announced that the tie-dye outfit was buggy, all
heck broke loose. People were in a panic, deleting the tie-dye outfit and re-downloading it.
Then it became known(Only among the fan sites) that the carrot seeds had bugs as well.
Then all heck broke loose AGAIN as people deleted the carrots and downloaded them again.
Now, a mere month or two later, we have semi-new downloads, and they are even more buggy than
the previous ones. The vase has done nothing to me, but the sunflower seeds do not work
and neither does the tennis ball. And guess what, my oh my, they also CAN CRASH YOUR COMPUTER.
Wow, what a suprise. And guess what else? There is no warning whatsoever about the downloads
on the official site. They have not been taken down, and there is no warning as to the bugs
in the downloads. Will this EVER end? They have a responsibilty here.
If they are gonna release these things(Especially if they are for free),
then they better make sure they work. They know that people want the downloads and
get them right as soon as they are released. They know that people are sick of the bugs
in the downloads and the Petz site in itself. But have they done anything about it?
No. And that concludes my ranting and raving.

Green"The whole downlaod concept is that they add-on toys and clothing to your virtual pet program. You can dress the pets and plant a garden for them, which is what the carrots are for."Jeanz

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