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Bailey's Commercial
Posted By: Don the Monkeyman, on host
Date: Thursday, December 7, 2000, at 08:56:16

Does anyone here know the commercial I'm talking about? It's for Bailey's Irish Cream, and runs through a series of quick scenes with captions like "You got a tax return" and "Your in-laws couldn't make it for dinner" and then ends with a picture of a bottle of Bailey's Irish Cream and two glasses and the caption "And you thought you didn't have a reason to celebrate".

Well, the thing with that commercial is the music. It is a simple synthesized sort of sound, repeated several times through the commercial. Well, I don't drink much (almost never, and when I do, it is never more than one or maybe on a wild night, two drinks) but I used to like that commercial because the scene with the couple and the "Your in-laws couldn't make it for dinner" caption was exactly how I wanted Amanda and I to be some day. I wanted us to have a nice big house, with a fireplace, and share intimate moments over a couple of drinks. (Probably her father's homemade wine rather than Bailey's Irish Cream, but whatever.) The problem is, I came to really like that music. I made a subconscious connection between the music and the feeling of the limitless future, of the simple joy of sharing Amanda's company. I have seen that commercial about three times this week, and last night when I saw it, it hit me so hard that I had to get up and walk out of the room. Now that song is in my head and it is DRIVING ME MAD. I would go into RinkChat and vent, but I am at work now and have wisely had my work IP banned from RinkChat so I can get more work done (and it is working-- Thanks Leen!) so I'm venting here. There's a bigger audience here anyway. :-) Thanks again for putting up with my emotional roller coaster.

Don "The Monkey'Breaking up is suX0r'man" Jackson

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