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Re: The dangers of cough drops in pregnancy
Posted By: Adebayo, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2000, at 15:26:39
In Reply To: The dangers of cough drops in pregnancy posted by Grace on Thursday, November 18, 1999, at 08:15:58:

This message was a show of ignorance on your part.
I am going through my first pregnancy and had the same concern as the woman you made fun of. I think it's quite natural for people to be concerned for their unborn children. If you really think about it, people like you should not work in Doctor's offices. How's that for cynicism?

> I work in a doctors office. One of our pregnant patients called *panicked* last night with an *emergency*.
> "What is it?" I asked her.
> "I'm 29 weeks pregnant, and I have a cold."
> "Yes. . ."
> "I just had a Halls menthol cough drop without realizing. . ."
> "Yes. . .and. . .?"
> "Well, can I *have* cough drops while I'm pregnant?"
> --disbelieving silence on my end--
> --moment to compose myself, so I don't laugh at her.--
> "Yes. It's fine."
> "Could you ask one of the doctors just to be sure?"
> "No."
> "Oh. . ."
> "It's fine."
> Why are people like this allowed to have children??
> Gr"and that's *not* the worst ques. I've heard"ace

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