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Re: The dangers of cough drops in pregnancy
Posted By: Brunnen-G, on host
Date: Tuesday, November 7, 2000, at 16:03:23
In Reply To: Re: The dangers of cough drops in pregnancy posted by Adebayo on Tuesday, November 7, 2000, at 15:26:39:

> Grace,
> This message was a show of ignorance on your part.
> I am going through my first pregnancy and had the same concern as the woman you made fun of. I think it's quite natural for people to be concerned for their unborn children. If you really think about it, people like you should not work in Doctor's offices. How's that for cynicism?

Grace is no longer a regular here, and I don't know if she ever reads the forum anymore, but I feel obliged to leap to her defence. She was (and I assume still is) a caring and intelligent person and I'm sure I would be happy to attend any doctor's office with staff members like her.

You are entirely correct that people should be concerned for their unborn children and such enquiries shouldn't be made light of. However, we all come across incidents at work that strike us as amusing for one reason or another. Grace mentioning her amusement at this call, after the fact and without violating the woman's privacy in any way, is different from if Grace had treated the enquiry rudely or jokingly at the time, to the woman's face - which would be disgusting and unprofessional behaviour I could not imagine of her.

Apart from that little comment I had to make, it's nice to see another new person posting on the forum. There's a couple of other regulars here with recent babies, so don't forget to tell us all about yours when he/she arrives! We like cute photos. :-)

Brunnen-"hoping nobody I work with reads my post about their stupid spreadsheet"G

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