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The dangers of cough drops in pregnancy
Posted By: Grace, on host
Date: Thursday, November 18, 1999, at 08:15:58

I work in a doctors office. One of our pregnant patients called *panicked* last night with an *emergency*.

"What is it?" I asked her.

"I'm 29 weeks pregnant, and I have a cold."

"Yes. . ."

"I just had a Halls menthol cough drop without realizing. . ."

"Yes. . .and. . .?"

"Well, can I *have* cough drops while I'm pregnant?"

--disbelieving silence on my end--
--moment to compose myself, so I don't laugh at her.--

"Yes. It's fine."

"Could you ask one of the doctors just to be sure?"


"Oh. . ."

"It's fine."

Why are people like this allowed to have children??

Gr"and that's *not* the worst ques. I've heard"ace

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