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Re: Complain, complain, complain
Posted By: Ticia, on host
Date: Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 15:36:36
In Reply To: Re: Complain, complain, complain posted by Grishny on Wednesday, November 1, 2000, at 15:09:55:

> > You could always e-mail your posts to me, or maybe Sam, or something, with the accompanying post # that you are replying to. I'll be glad to post things for you.
> >
> > Ti'maybe that would help?'cia
> I don't think that would be a very wise thing for me to company obviously feels strongly enough about "non-business" communication that they've modified our servers to prevent access to certain areas of the internet and prevented postings to forums on the web. My employee handbook specifically mentions that "it is important to remember that e-mail is a Company owned service and correspondence should not be considered confidential." In other words, our e-mail is monitored.
> I think I'll keep my job and stick with the "lesser of two evils" plan. But thanks for trying to come up with a solution to my not-all-that-important dilemma.
> Gri"gruntled employee"shny

How about hotmail? or some other free e-mail account? is it also blocked? and if's about time to start looking for another job. Personally, I couldn't stand to work for a company that was so restrictive.

Ti'my company is great...maybe you should apply!'cia

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