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Re: Really Bad Jokes
Posted By: Luisa, on host
Date: Friday, April 9, 1999, at 08:20:42
In Reply To: Really Bad Jokes posted by Sam on Friday, April 9, 1999, at 05:12:01:

Wow. Those are some really bad jokes. Here's one I heard a couple of days ago and kept meaning to post for Howard, but hadn't gotten around to it yet -

The aquarium is preparing for the second grade class to visit when they realize that the dolphins are feeling, well, amorous. The only thing that works as an anti-aphrodesiac in dolphins is baby sea-gull meat, so one of the workers was sent to the beach to find some.
On the way back from the beach, baby sea-gulls in hand, he had to pass through a forest. In the middle of the path, there was a sleeping lion. So, he very carefully stepped over it, only to be handcuffed by a policeman.
He says, "Officer, what's going on?" and is told that he's under arrest. When he asks why, the officer says, "For transporting young gulls accross sedate lions for immoral porpises."


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