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Re: At University (or A Sleeping Aid)
Posted By: BurgerKing, on host
Date: Wednesday, September 6, 2000, at 19:17:04
In Reply To: Re: At University (or A Sleeping Aid) posted by unipeg on Wednesday, September 6, 2000, at 14:02:00:

> > Hello. I haven't posted in quite a long time, so I thought that now that I actually have something to write about, I should. This is most likely very boring (especially compared to unipeg's summer vacation... wow!) so read it your own risk.
> Hey, I read it


> Yay! I'm glad you're having a good time... where are you, if you don't mind telling? My brother just started college, and I must say I'm rather excited for it myself.

Acadia University. (It's in Nova Scotia.) Anyway, I hope you like university as much as I have so far (and be sure to find out *exactly* where your classes are being held...[shudder]).

> Hey, just a thought, not meaning to push you or anything, and if I am just smack me.... but if you had such a great time at chapel, have you thought about trying out one of the fellowships on campus? you know, just a bible study or a worship service or something... if you're in the US, I can't remember if you are or not but i think so, then it'sw probably Navigators or Inter-Varsity or Campus Crusade or some such something. Anyway, I'm glad you liked chapel, though.

Hey, no problem... suggest away. I'm not in the U.S., though... sorry. Canada. I've been looking for information about clubs and student organisations and such on campus, but without much luck. There'll be a club fair soon, though, which I hope will turn up something. There *is* bible study though, which I missed this week because of a mandatory floor meeting. Now I have to wait until next week. Nuts.

> > Well, you can wake up now. That's pretty much it. I hope that wasn't too boring, but it was very exciting for me.
> Your excitement came across in it.... it definitely wasn't boring at all.

Well, thanks again.

> > Burger"Rambling, rambling, rambling"King
> uni"I'm good at that too"peg

Burger"Would like to be on time for Chapel tomorrow"King

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