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Re: George Clooney
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Friday, March 19, 1999, at 09:29:33
In Reply To: George Clooney posted by Sam on Friday, March 19, 1999, at 07:50:17:

> > It was nice to see Dark City actually get a nomination. But George "Sir Smirksalot" Clooney for best actor? Um, no.
> Did you see "Out of Sight" ? His performance was quite something, actually -- he's come a long way. But I do agree that an acting award at this stage is a bit overmuch.


Well, you've got me there. I based the "Sir Smirksalot" comment based on the two movies I've seen him in: "The Peacemaker" and "Batman & Robin (& Batgirl & Alfred & Bat-Mite &...)" and doubted he could deliver an outstanding performance, yet alone a Best Actor nomination.

Then again, I thought the same thing of Jim Carrey before I saw "The Truman Show".

-Faux "Keanu" Pas

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