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Re: Homework: Good or bad?
Posted By: Rivikah, on host
Date: Saturday, September 2, 2000, at 19:06:44
In Reply To: Re: Homework: Good or bad? posted by Wormwood on Wednesday, August 30, 2000, at 14:35:20:

> > Excellent time for another debate: Should teachers be required to take exams?
hmm...when someone figures out how to make an exam to test the things that actually make a good teacher, maybe. Its not just what they know and just testing their knowledge won't help the problem. Likely a knowledge test would weed out just as many good teachers as bad teachers.

If you really want to know how an exam for teachers would work watch Ontario in the next few years. Supposedly such an exam is part of our new education reform, most of which should likley be thrown out...but that's just my opinion

Rivi "Wait and see" kah

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