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Re: Homework: Good or bad?
Posted By: Sam, on host
Date: Thursday, January 4, 2001, at 08:43:59
In Reply To: Re: Homework: Good or bad? posted by Gema and Tiina on Thursday, January 4, 2001, at 08:30:30:

> We are doing a report on homework being bad. We are 13 years old, and go to Montgomery Middle School in New Jersey, USA. The three points as to why we shouldn't have homework are - When we come home, all we want to do is just chill out, as most people would agree too.

Most people would agree that people just want to chill out. However, if anything, this is a reason FOR homework. Life isn't like that. Homework is a good way to condition you into accepting the fact that life doesn't work like that. Though I hate to resort to the dreaded cliche "it builds character," it does. Kids who don't work hard when they're young generally grow up to be adults who don't work hard either.

On the other hand, I certainly do think there's an increasing trend towards TOO MUCH homework, which is what was being discussed in this thread. I don't think 1-2 hours a night (with sometimes more, sometimes less) as all that unreasonable.

> You get home at four, had basketball at seven, ate dinner at five, and then in between those times you studied.

Basketball is part of your free time. It doesn't count toward the time consumed by academic responsibilities.