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Re: Controversy
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Friday, August 11, 2000, at 16:19:07
In Reply To: Re: Controversy posted by Charon on Friday, August 11, 2000, at 13:38:24:

> > Abortion
> Not good, but people should be able to do it

This is something I always had a problem with. I've gone from one side to the other and back again. The people who argue that abortions are immoral because it's a taking of a life but abortions are okay if the pregnancy is the result of rape or incest are, in my opinion, hypocritical. When did a child conceived by rape or by incest stop being a viable human being?

I believe that when sperm meets egg, a human life is going to occur. If it was a rape, if it was incest, then so be it. It is still a human being. Yes, it can't survive on it's own (viable) yet. But it will become someone.

Our laws say it is wrong to kill someone. Why is it different here?

The pro-choice position says that it's the woman's right to choose -- but choose what? To be able to terminate a life growing in them? I am against a government trying to limit a woman's (and a man's and a child's) rights -- but our society says that ending someone's life is wrong.

> > Assisted Suicide
> In extreme cases, yes.

> > Death Penalty
> Yes.

I agree wholehartedly here. You don't stop an innocent life, but someone who screws up... Someone is serving a life sentence in prison and kills a prison guard. Or they escape and are recaptured. Where's the escalation in punishment? They're already imprisoned, you can't imprison them even more.

> > Gun Control
> Yes.

It doesn't take a genius to see that there's a vast difference in the number of handgun deaths in the United States (guns for everyone!) and the United Kingdom (police/military only). The US has this amendment to its constitution which I believe has been wildly mis-represented. "The right to bear arms" doesn't say anything about guns. If you want to have a weapon, have a club. You're now armed. Plus it's for a "militia" -- well, we already have one of those. It's called the National Guard. You want a rifle? Go join them.

> > God

There's something, but I'm not certain exactly what it is.

> > School Uniforms

Dress codes are fine.

> > School Security

As in locker searches? Sure. Lockers aren't private property.

> > Human Genome Project
> Very good.

Very very good.

> > Extra Terrestrial Life
> Probably nothing intelligent.

But there probably is some life out there. Maybe not now, maybe in the future after this planet dies out. Maybe it existed a long time ago.

> > Plastic Surgery

Silly. Unless we're talking for burn victims...

> > Creation vs Evolution

Evolution. Either something started us off and is watching to see where we'll wind up, or someone started something and is guiding it as we go along. Not just humans, but other animals as well.

> > TV

When taken in moderation.

> > The Internet

Filled with as many child predators and whacko nut jobs as real life.

> Char "opinions are goooood" on

-Faux "opinions change over time" Pas

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