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Ellmyruh's Adventures with Kaz
Posted By: Ellmyruh, on host
Date: Monday, July 31, 2000, at 18:42:19

This past Friday I had the pleasure of meeting Kaz. If you somehow missed the transcript of Kaz vs. his parents, I suggest that you go to to catch up.

On with the story. Kaz and I had arranged to meet in Davis, since that's where I (currently) live and it is on the way to San Francisco. His family took Interstate 5 South to Highway 113, which goes right through Davis before it connects to Interstate 80. Kaz's family could have just taken I-5 to I-80, but that would have made Davis seem out of the way. In terms of driving, it probably only took 5 minutes longer to take 113. Kaz was being navigator, so he showed his parents that they could easily and effortlessly stop to meet me. Kaz's family only had to get off 113, go through five stoplights, and they were at a park that would make a good meeting place. Somehow, his parents gave in.

Kaz called me from his dad's phone when they were near Redding, so I got to the park an hour later. I got there first, so I sat in the shade and waited for them. I had no problem spotting them, as they probably had the only red car with Alberta plates in all of Davis. Kaz and his brother, mom, dad, and grandma got out of the car and we made our introductions. It was about 100 degrees (Fahrenheit) outside, and they weren't quite used to such extreme heat. Fortunately there was plenty of shade.

I had brought my camera, but Kaz was even more prepared. He offered me a cup of water that was labeled "Cheap-o Awesome Arsenic" and some cookies. He also brought his pen that turns into a weapon, since his dad made him leave the bazooka at home. I burst out laughing, and so did Kaz and his brother, but his parents and grandma just sat there smiling, not quite sure if somebody had made a joke or not.

We talked for a while, and I think I managed to convince Kaz's parents that I wasn't a bad person. His mom is just starting to get interested in computers, so I think she'll come around eventually. Kaz showed me his Forum Post that he's working on. He said that he intends to beat Sam's "Adventures With..." post, and I think he most definitely will. He was on his 14th hand-written page when I saw him, and he won't be done with his trip until August 10th.

After we talked, we took a few pictures, and then Kaz and his family were on their way again. They were all very nice, and I thoroughly enjoyed the visit. I decided to behave myself, so I didn't bring out the bazooka. And my arsenic from eBay never arrived (surprise, surprise), so Kaz was the only one who brought cookies. Oh, and for the record, I did NOT eat any of them!


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