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Re: Is it Christmas yet?
Posted By: Diane, on host
Date: Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 06:12:11
In Reply To: Re: Is it Christmas yet? posted by Darien on Tuesday, March 2, 1999, at 16:21:20:

> > I'm sure there was plenty of other weird stuff about Tranzor Z which I might never even have seen.
> You've left out the best giant robot: the one made entirely out of garbage cans and stuff! I don't recall him ever being useful, though...
> Dar "Somebody else who isn't ever useful" ien

Oh my god. Two other people on this planet who remember Tranzor-Z. I can't believe this. Okay, the breakdown (and I don't even want to guess what kind of "system resources" my long-term memory has dedicated to T-Z just to keep all of this in storage):

Tranzor-Z. In addition to the weapons you listed (the rocket fists and Atomic Hurricane), he did have what seemed to be a *huge* missle which launched from... you guessed it... the robot's groin area.

Bobo-bot: The robot made out of trash cans was, in fact,t he Bobo-bot. Poor Bobo, Tranzor-Z had the Big Missle, Aphrodite had the TNT ta-tas, and Bob-bot had...nothing at all. What does this say for the prowess of our dear Bobo?

Di "What do you *mean* this is why I have no recollection of '92, '93, or '94??" ane

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