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Re: Star Blazers
Posted By: Faux Pas, on host
Date: Thursday, March 4, 1999, at 09:15:10
In Reply To: Re: Space Giants posted by Darien on Wednesday, March 3, 1999, at 14:14:59:

> > Star Blazers! Double---nay, triple woo-hoo!!!
> Now that one I don't remember. It sounds vaguely familliar... anyone care to fill me in?

Let's see, the bad guys are on the planet Gamilon and they've declared war on the Earth, sending many deadly bombs to the planet. Radiation from the bombs has made the surface uninhabitable and in a year's time the radiation will kill off all of the Earth's population. A spaceship from the planet Iscandar delivers a message to the Earthlings. They'll give Earth some miracle cure for the radiation, but the Earthers must get to Iscandar, pick it up, and take it back. The humans burrow up to the dry ocean floor where the Yamato rests and fits the Japanese WW2 battleship for space flight. Our heroes get on the battleship, it takes off, and they journey to Iscandar and back, all the while having a running battle with the Gamilon's forces (and the allies of the Gamilons).

I remember watching this show almost religiously. It came on just after school, then just before the Yamato reached Iscandar, WGN changed timeslots for the show. After I found out it came on at something silly like 6:30 in the morning, a main character had died, another main character had left, they not only got to Iscandar but they were on the way back, and suddenly the plotline shifted from Gamilon to the Comet Empire (Season Two's main bad guys).

-Faux "Wildstar" Pas

Link: Yamato: Wave Motion Page