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Re: WOT update
Posted By: Dave, on host
Date: Friday, February 26, 1999, at 06:41:29
In Reply To: Re: WOT update posted by Dave on Thursday, February 25, 1999, at 13:27:01:

> Well, here is an addendum to my last lengthy WOT
> update.

And here is yet another, even though it appears that nobody is reading them except maybe Sam :-)

I'm near the beginning of Book 4 (can't remember the propper name right now) and I just read a part last night that almost made me throw the book across the room.

Ok, here is the setup. Rand is having a bad dream. He wakes up in his bed, and then hears a noise out in the hallway. He leaps out of bed, waiting to confront the intruder... and then Jordan spends an entire *paragraph* describing the rug, the drapes, the sword stand, and all the other furnishings in his room. WTF?

I almost quit reading right there--I'm kind of glad I didn't, because the part directly after that is pretty cool. But that one paragraph really drove home to me the fact that Jordan lost his train of thought at the end of Book 3 and is now just searching for enough things to say to fill another book. I hope he figures out where he wants to go next soon.

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