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Re: I need a new browser
Posted By: Kaz, on host
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 22:04:22
In Reply To: Re: I need a new browser posted by Kaz on Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 21:56:27:

> > Hi all.
> >
> > I've decided that MS Internet Explorer just isn't the browser for me. Can anyone suggest an alternative, besides Netscape?
> >
> > / / --SC
> I've never used a browser other than IE, since Netscape didn't work properly on my last computer and anyway I couldn't uninstall IE without making a big ugly mess of everything. Nevertheless, there should be some non-IE browsers on the website linked below. (The "Opera" thing looks feasable, except that it's only a thirty-day trial, and anyway, I've never used it.)
> Good luck uninstalling IE, by the way.
> -Ka"I've had so much work I haven't been able to post much lately, but don't worry, I haven't disappeared entirely yet"z!

Oh, I just remembered. I had a friend who once programmed his own browser in Microsoft Visual C++ (at least, I think it was Microsoft Visual C++). There's apparently a custom web control you can use to make it really easy, so long as you don't need *features* or anything in your browser. The simple browser that emerged was called "Bobscape" and I don't know if there's any copies left, but if anyone here has a copy of VC++ and knows how to do it, he or she could probably whip out their own browser in the space of about an hour.

Maybe someone with an hour of free time and nothing better to do can program "Rinkscape"!

-Ka"No, I don't have VC++ myself, unfortunately"z!

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