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Re: I need a new browser
Posted By: famous, on host
Date: Friday, April 28, 2000, at 08:48:59
In Reply To: Re: I need a new browser posted by Kaz on Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 22:04:22:

> > > Hi all.
> > >
> > > I've decided that MS Internet Explorer just isn't the browser for me. Can anyone suggest an alternative, besides Netscape?
> > >
> > > / / --SC
> >
> >
> > I've never used a browser other than IE, since Netscape didn't work properly on my last computer and anyway I couldn't uninstall IE without making a big ugly mess of everything. Nevertheless, there should be some non-IE browsers on the website linked below. (The "Opera" thing looks feasable, except that it's only a thirty-day trial, and anyway, I've never used it.)
> >
> > Good luck uninstalling IE, by the way.
> >
> > -Ka"I've had so much work I haven't been able to post much lately, but don't worry, I haven't disappeared entirely yet"z!
> Oh, I just remembered. I had a friend who once programmed his own browser in Microsoft Visual C++ (at least, I think it was Microsoft Visual C++). There's apparently a custom web control you can use to make it really easy, so long as you don't need *features* or anything in your browser. The simple browser that emerged was called "Bobscape" and I don't know if there's any copies left, but if anyone here has a copy of VC++ and knows how to do it, he or she could probably whip out their own browser in the space of about an hour.
> Maybe someone with an hour of free time and nothing better to do can program "Rinkscape"!
> -Ka"No, I don't have VC++ myself, unfortunately"z!

Gah! I didn't realize that! Now.. you know what's next to come. famouscape. I'm not too bad in VC++.. I'll let you all know how it comes along.
