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Re: I need a new browser
Posted By: Kaz, on host
Date: Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 21:56:27
In Reply To: I need a new browser posted by ShadowClerk on Thursday, April 27, 2000, at 20:48:39:

> Hi all.
> I've decided that MS Internet Explorer just isn't the browser for me. Can anyone suggest an alternative, besides Netscape?
> / / --SC

I've never used a browser other than IE, since Netscape didn't work properly on my last computer and anyway I couldn't uninstall IE without making a big ugly mess of everything. Nevertheless, there should be some non-IE browsers on the website linked below. (The "Opera" thing looks feasable, except that it's only a thirty-day trial, and anyway, I've never used it.)

Good luck uninstalling IE, by the way.

-Ka"I've had so much work I haven't been able to post much lately, but don't worry, I haven't disappeared entirely yet"z!

Link: Mostly Netscape and IE updates, unfortunately, but there's some other stuff too

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