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Re: Reader Poll: Least favourite bill
Posted By: gabby, on host
Date: Monday, March 6, 2000, at 22:49:29
In Reply To: Reader Poll: Least favourite bill posted by Paul A. on Friday, March 3, 2000, at 19:31:20:

> Credit card bill, without a doubt.
> This is because I don't have a credit card.
> Paul

Insurance bills take the cake for me... then throw it on the street, stomp it into the ground, and come back for the rest of my desserts. The reason they are my least favorite is that, most of the time, they don't give you anything in return. When they do, it's not as much as the policy appears to offer. I have a perfect driving record so far, have a precise and dutiful personality, and will never drink alcohol for several reasons. Unfortunately, I am young and male. Therefore, I pay excessively high rates which I have not been involved in bringing about. How can insurance companies get away with discimination based on aspects of my life I have no control over? Also, statistics show that though young men wreck more often than young women, the women's wrecks are more deadly and involve more passengers. Why the disparateness, then? Oh, well... that's my rant.

gab"Never trust statistics, however. It's amazing how easy it is to twist them into saying anything, without technically lying."by


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