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a rookie mistake
Posted By: Howard, on host
Date: Monday, February 13, 2006, at 12:45:39

The Vice President, who is known to be an experienced hunter, managed to make a rookie mistake. He accidently shot and wounded a fellow hunter. Hunter safety classes might be in order.

The part that worries me is that the story was kept out of the news for a day while they "waited for the land owner to commment."

Say what? Why in the world is it necessary to wait for that? Maybe they just took that long to realize there was no way to cover it up. They need to face the fact that it was an accident. It's an all-to-common accident, but still just an accident. They were lucky that the victim was not too badly injured and will recover. A delay in reporting the news was not necessary, nor was there any need for a coverup.

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