How do I protect my hands(ESM)(Slight Spoilers)
A guy with no life, on host
Wednesday, January 18, 2006, at 20:54:38
I have:
Time Machine Chain Eraser Photos of Fashion Show Wire Beaker Chalk Glue Stick Slip of Paper Wrench Blue Paint Coffee Filter Mirror Soldering Iron Bottle Cap Cup of Tea Perma-Tie Syringe
Ok I know the "tall boy" left something yesterday that was missing the next day. He mentioned that the "item" was near/in the tree....
Is this a red herring or am I on to something?
I have climbed the tree, but all I see is that branch and I can't get it......
2nd question:If I get this item, will I be able to "protect" my hands from "sharp jagged" edges.
Oh, and I heard there is a lighter somewhere which may help me with the "liquid" in the beaker.
Please help me.....
-A "clueless" guy with no life
P.S. I need to get rid of this kid... Where to put him.......
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