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Re: One answer
Posted By: Spider-Boy, on host
Date: Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 08:41:11
In Reply To: One answer posted by Dracimas on Thursday, October 28, 1999, at 07:17:47:

> > Why?
> Because!

Congradualtion, you get an A+.
My dad had this question as his final exam in a philosophy course when he was in college, there was a another question that was a trick. You were supposed answer this one and Because was the A+ answere. The A answere was Why Not? (I think someone else had this one)

The trick question was Define the universe and give three examples.
Since the universe in that class was defined as everything you can't give three exapmles of universes, you examples would be part of something bigger, which the universe isn't.


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